Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Worst Thing About Each Zodiac Sign — And Why It's Actually The Best Thing

urn a negative into a positive.
I love when people say things like, "I believe in the goodness of all human beings." How positive and uplifting... until you watch that five-year-old little boy pour ketchup all over his little sister. Or, when you see that man in the position of power abuse and harass that young woman who is just trying to make a living.
Yet, somehow, we're still here, destroying the planet with our greatness and love. We can't all be that bad and, certainly, we must have something redeeming about us. Right... right
Astrology has a way of showcasing what's awful about us. And while we very well may be the worst thing to ever happen to the solar system, we still have this ability to turn it all around and make it all better.
What's the worst thing about your zodiac sign, and how do you make it the best thing?

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

You are narcissistic. How that works for you? It helps you protect yourself. Your instincts for survival are on point, and while sometimes that makes you seem selfish, it sure as hell keeps you alive and well.
RELATED: The Dark Side Of The Aries Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

You are lazy to the point of destruction. Careless and irrationally messy. How you make that work? You understand that "things" are meaningless and are a mess in the greater scheme of things. You escape the mess by turning super zen, detached in the face of the storm.
RELATED: 5 Reasons Why A Taurus Will Love You Better Than Anyone Else

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

You are cold, reserved and non-communicative. How that becomes beneficial? Never coming out of your shell can actually make you feel more confident. You may not like to share yourself, but that leaves more for you. Being cold is great for you because you have no desire to warm up.
RELATED: 12 Best Gemini Memes & Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up The Zodiac Twin's Personality Traits

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

You have a complete lack of forgiveness and hold on to hate forever and ever. How that can become the best thing? It shows you that trust is earned, and you use intense discrimination whenever you meet a new person. Self-preservation at its finest!
RELATED: 4 Myths & Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology)

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

You are a massive egomaniac. How you make it work for others? Ego is a good thing; it allows you to be strong when you need to be, and your fearlessness gets you out of as much trouble as it gets you into.
RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (And Least) Compatible With Leo
source :- https://www.yourtango.com/2019329315/horoscope-worst-thing-about-each-zodiac-sign-and-why-its-actually-best-thing-according-astrology

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