Friday, July 26, 2019

11 Birthday Gifts for People who have Everything

You always want to put your best foot forward when you're giving a gift. It has to be special, it has to be something that you would want for yourself and that the person receiving would be excited, and surprised to get. Well, it isn't always as easy as picking up a piece of clothing in their favorite color. Shopping for the perfect gift can actually be quite daunting, especially when that person in your life seems to have just about everything under the sun. So what could you possibly give someone like that, that they don't already have!? Stress no more, we've rounded up some great options for you!

This is the perfect birthday gift for someone who values experience over possessions, and can't stop globetrotting. We love the Airbnb gift card because it can be used on any trip, to any place, and with the Airbnb market only getting larger, your friend or loved one will be able to use it wherever they want to go in the world!

Imagine looking up into the sky and being able to locate a star that has your name on it! This is a truly unique gift, and definitely isn't just for space enthusiasts. The recipient will receive both a deed and a star map to make things official.

For your curious friend, 23 and Me is a service that can help you find out a whole host of different things about what makes you, you. You submit your DNA and it gets analyzed to determine what part of the world you are from! You can also have health and wellness assessments and potentially locate long lost relatives.


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